Namaste in 2018

Hi everyone, it’s been awhile! I hope we can reconnect like old friends, where it seems like no time ever has passed when you reunite. 2018 has been a busy year so far and has taken us through several snow storms and balmy days (west coasters and southerners, 50 degrees is warm for Boston!), exciting and strange movies (calling out “Shape of Water” here), a soul-gripping Patriots football game (sorry Jaguars fans), and a quick Florida getaway to see my parents.


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I have cut back on running for several reasons, which I’ll go into in another post! This includes a desire to change things up a bit, but I have kept up my fitness with lots of walking (treadmill and outside when it’s not snowing/arctic cold) here in Boston:


I’ve also gone to many spinning, barre, and yoga classes. Some thoughts on yoga: 2018 yoga has been different than other times I’ve practiced. This time around it’s more of a focus rather than a supplement to running. It’s been refreshing to switch the focus on this new hobby, for now at least! Yoga has continued to demonstrate my inflexibility, but I can tell my body feels stronger in other areas. I’m sure my flexibility will increase as I continue- and it’s just setting me up protection from future injury. Namaste to all that!


I am aiming to get back into my running routine this fall and have applied for the NYC marathon. Who knows, maybe I will be the 10% that gets into the race this way! If I don’t make it in to NYC, I will look for other fall races. Just thinking about the potential races gets me very excited!

So with that, here are some of my short/longer term goals for the upcoming year:


I know it’s 25 days into the goal-setting season, but as I’m always 5 minutes late to everything so this seems like a fitting delay for written goals.

One more from Florida:IMG_6458

What race(s) are you training for?

What’s your favorite fall race? Did you apply to NYC marathon lottery?

Have you seen any Oscar nominees? My favorite so far has been Ladybird!! <3


  1. statomattic says:

    Hi, Jane! Good to see a post from you. I need to get back on the blogging bandwagon myself. Maybe any day now…

    I was going to encourage you to run Chicago this fall if NYC didn’t work out, but then remembered it has gone to a lottery system the past few years and is now all full. I really should NOT have forgotten that, because I am running the Chicago Marathon this fall myself! Will probably pick up at least one other half marathon between now and then (maybe late spring sometime) to keep myself busy.

    Go Pats!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thanks for the Rec!! I ran chicago a few years ago and loved it. Such a fun race in an amazing city! Yes unfortunately there’s a lottery now and that timing has passed! Any other recs for fall races?! Ps- are you a pats fan?! Happy running!!


      1. statomattic says:

        Diehard Pats fan. I grew up in Newton! The other really good fall race that comes to mind is Marine Corps, which I know you have also done. Don’t know if their lottery is still open.

        Oh, one more out here in the Midwest! Try looking into the Twin Cities Marathon in Minnesota. I have heard GREAT things about it.


        1. janerunswild says:

          Oh I didn’t realize you great up in MA! All the midwest talk threw me off :) I love MCM but have already run it twice so am thinking of another fall race. Twin Cities is such a great idea- that has always been on my list. Probably have a little more time before that sells out too. Thanks for all the recs! Go Pats! It will be an exciting game…although I just saw this article and realize that we are in a bubble up here:

          Liked by 1 person

          1. statomattic says:

            Oh so much bitter New York jealousy in that column…. Decades from now, the entire nation will fully appreciate the greatness of our Patriots.


  2. Liz Dexter says:

    I find yoga is super helpful for my running, but also that as I train for a marathon I get stiffer and stiffer, then my yoga gets “better” again the less I train for running. Hm.

    I have the Manchester (UK) Marathon in April but nothing after that. Hoping to do London in 2019 but finding training for a spring mara is really hard with all the ice and snow that’s around.

    Good luck with your resolutions and go well!


  3. Josh dV says:

    Happy to hear from you! Good to know I’m not the only one who has not had time to blog lately. Life is life no?

    I’ve toned down my running but mostly just to let a tight right hamstring relax. I’ve also started weight training again. Nothing big, just looking to tune it up. I’m always a runner at heart. I have no desire to bulk up and haul all that around.

    Yoga looks good on you! Excellent tree pose (but what that foot on your knee). I have no doubt you will get crow in no time. Keep us posted and we’ll see you on the trails or at least on the mat!


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