Baby and Races Update

Happy New Year, over a month in! If blogging is a resolution, then I have already fallen off the bandwagon. But I’m hoping to pick it up more regularly since I love this outlet.

So much has happened in the past 12 months- too many details to divulge, but the most important update is that I had a baby in July! Baby Grant is now almost 7 months old, so we are beyond the fourth (even fifth?) trimester and on to enjoying life with a hastily developing little boy.


At this point, Grant is mostly sleeping through the night, making new noises, expressions, and movements by day (and thus keeping his parents laughing every day). He’s fascinated with the world- sometimes making me wish I was a little less jaded myself. I count my blessings every day and can’t imagine life without my little man.


I went back to work a couple of months ago, and it has been a continuous adjustment. I am working on a post with my lessons learned- and those I am still working out- as a working mom. But overall, I am glad that I went back and gave it a try. It was not an easy decision, but ultimately I wasn’t ready to give up on my career that I have built! I recognize that not everyone has the choice- certainly not in previous years- and do not take it for granted. The key thing is that my work place has been a flexible, welcoming environment for me, and that’s made the transition much easier.


As far as running-I am also still trying to figure out the logistics of keeping up my goals while balancing family and work. I had been training for the Houston half in January, but had to cancel plans last minute because baby was under the weather. Being a new parent is all about being flexible, am I right?! I was disappointed but there are other races! In fact, I have added a local half (Hyannis) to my calendar with some friends and can’t wait to get back out there!


My post-baby training cycle for Houston and now Hyannis (and a spring/summer marathon) has been decent. I’ve learned a lot about getting back into running after a baby (for another post!).

Bottom line– it’s amazing what your body can do, and you WILL get back into shape, but it does take time. I thought that my body would have “remembered” the pre-pregnancy fitness, but coming back was like starting from zero, or below zero. My legs, core, butt, arms, everything had to re-learn how to run as if I had never had run before. At least that’s what I felt like. Part of that may have to do with me not running through pregnancy, but I do think that giving myself plenty of time to slowly build up has been a key part of this cycle.


Here’s the postpartum plan I generally followed starting this fall while working with my favorite coaches:

  • Build up from walking ~5 days a week to 4-5 days of running with 1-2 days of cross training (walking, elliptical, spin) and a rest day
  • Conversational paces for most runs, built up to adding in 2X workouts/week
  • Long runs building from 8 miles to 15 miles. This was made so much easier by running with my new neighborhood crew of motherrunners!!
  • Strength training (core & glute exercises) on the calendar for 2X week, but I basically managed this once a week. Someday I will get better at strength training!
  • Lots of attention on stretching before and after runs. Foam rolling at least twice a day in the morning and evening.


Now I am navigating wintery paths (unlike the pretty scenes of the esplanade this fall!) and have turned to the treadmill more frequently, which I have learned to not hate. It really helps me get in those runs!

Have a great run today!

What are you currently training for? Hyannis half and a marathon in June! I want to run allll the races after taking the past year off while being pregnant!

What’s your favorite podcast? I am looking for some new ones as I increase the miles Check out Run Farther & Faster podcast on your next run!

Thanks for following!! Check back with you soon!



  1. You look very well on Motherhood :) x


    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you so much!! :)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. sarahdudek80 says:

    Being a mother runner definitely changes your approach to just about everything. I have a new found appreciation for the treadmill, because it allows me to get some running in when the baby allows it. Races will come. I have found that I have less desire to race now that I have children but I still make time for certain ones, and I am a stronger racer than ever now.


    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your perspective on running now! I agree regarding races- I feel like I only want to choose a handful that reeeally excite me because they better be worth the time away. I just got a treadmill as well and LOVE it! Not only for winter running, but it’s so convenient with a little one. Can’t wait to keep following your running journey and thank you for the note!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. pursuingsub17 says:

    Welcome back! Baby Grant is so cute. I need to get back into blogging and training again! Once I’m done school in June. Congrats!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you so much!! Yes, hope you do! Good luck with the rest of your semester :)


  4. Awe he’s adorable. Welcome back! I’ve got a half on the 24th!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you!! What half?! Hope the training is going well!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Gasparilla half in Tampa FL. My training got sidelined due to having bronchitis for over a month so my goal is just to finish. This will be number 17 for me! Thanks!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. janerunswild says:

          I’m sorry to hear about your illness and hope you feel better! I’ve heard that half is really fun so enjoy every minute!!!

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Tamsyn Smith says:

    Congratulations! You’ll be surprised at how quickly your running fitness comes back and how pregnancy has changed you as a runner. I set PBs at every distance after having a baby, even though I was training significantly less. (I even managed a 15-minute marathon PB on a training schedule of only 2-3 runs per week!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      That’s soo good to hear!!! What to attribute to your amazing post-baby fitness?! I am so excited to set some reach goals and hopefully work towards them and it’s great to hear others’ stories!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tamsyn Smith says:

        My aerobic capacity seemed to increase significantly (and my asthma doesn’t seem as bad). This article is interesting:

        Liked by 2 people

        1. janerunswild says:

          This is such a great read, thanks for sending!! Just fascinating and good news for us!

          Liked by 2 people

  6. marniesteve says:

    Inspiring! Thanks for sharing your journey.

    Liked by 1 person

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