Back to Blogging on a Tuesday

Hope you enjoyed celebrating America’s birthday and the associated food and drink, time spent with family and friends, fireworks, and all things red, white, and blue. My long weekend was the basic New England “fit in as much as possible during these summer days off” situation.

Before I talk about my weekend, I wanted to share that I am excited to be back in the blog world! A couple of months ago, I decided to take a break from blogging about my life. In reality, what I needed was a mental shift away from running (and subsequently writing about my little obsession with the sport) after my last big race. It has been a restful recess, but I have now started to train for my fall marathon (Wineglass in NY), and am eager to return to my writing routine! My next chapter of posts will focus on everything from marathon training to the adventures and “micro-adventures” (as Alastair Humphreys would say) ahead in Boston, New England, and beyond. I encourage you to: 1) follow along 2) stay in touch and 3) after you read my posts, get outside and enjoy the short-lived summer weather. Looking forward to catching up and hearing how YOU are doing!

Back to the long weekend. Here’s a recap:

Saturday: Started off with a long training run in my home town, followed by a family party with lots of hydrating and non-hydrating beverages. This was followed by more food, drink, and games with friends later that night. No photos to capture these moments unfortunately!


Sunday:  Mark and I rose early to spend the day hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Despite the early wakeup call, this was a treasured day spent in nature with beautiful views at the summit of Mt. Garfield.


We are starting a contest to see who can hike the 48 4,000+ footer mountains in New Hampshire the fastest.


What a day. Stay tuned for more posts involving my mission to encourage everyone to spend more time in the outdoors :)


Monday: Hello Independence Day! It was beautiful weather in Boston. We relaxed with some friends on Spectacle Island in Boston Harbor, and then some fireworks. The quintessential 4th of July, what more could a girl want?


Some drone action. Thanks @imnotquitejack!

Happy Tuesday everyone! Back to reality for some of us; more vacation for others. Enjoy the week wherever you are!

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Where is your favorite place to hike? I love the White Mountains in NH, but some other favorite one-time hikes were out in the PNW.

What was the highlight of your 4th of July? Anyone run a spirited road race?

Anyone currently training for a race?




  1. Glad you’re back! highlight of 4th of july was being with my best friend at the hospital when the doctors decided to induce her :) No 4th races and i’m always outside! training for a personal ultra (no race, just on my own), a Ragnar Relay, 2 halfs and the Philadelphia Marathon in November. This fall is gonna rock!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you! So exciting about your ultra- what distance are you shooting for? So nice you were there for your friend- must have been a happy moment! And philly marathon?! Amazing!! I’ve run it a few times and it’s one of my favorites. Let me know if you have any questions and good luck with your training!! Excited to follow along!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Doing a 50k. Figured I’d start small! Ha! And I’ll for sure ask you some course questions in the near future :)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. janerunswild says:

          Wow, that’s incredible! Only a runner would say that a 50k is starting “small” :) Good luck!!


  2. RunTheSix says:

    Welcome back from your temporary hiatus! I’ve read a lot of great things about Wineglass and BAA added it to the list of top 25 feeders. I presume you’re looking to BQ that one?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Hello! Yes I am going to attempt a BQ @Wineglass. Summer training has been challenging but so far so good! What are you currently training for?


      1. RunTheSix says:

        Awesome! Good luck with your training! Erie for me In September. Looking to improve my BQ buffer (1:18) from the GoodLife Toronto Marathon on My 1st; however, from what I’ve been reading (and this is just speculation), people are thinking the cutoff for 2017 will be VERY low considering the drop in BQs over the past year due to bad weather at most of the top feeder races.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. janerunswild says:

          Oh that’s right-we chatted about your fall marathon. Hope your training is still going well! I do think that the 1:18 buffer will get you in, but that is based on speculation from what I’ve read. It’s great to have a backup too though, so wishing you the best of luck @Erie!! It’s a great race for a BQ!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. RunTheSix says:

            Thanks Jane!


  3. Rebecca Royy says:

    Nice to have you back. And thanks for sharing your beautiful pics from hiking! Live the idea of your new hiking challenge…may have to come up with something similar here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you Rebecca, looking forward to hearing how your running is going lately! Hiking or other challenges are great ways to mix up workouts, especially in the summer months. Let me know if you want any more ideas! :)

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      1. Rebecca Royy says:

        Yes. We’re big hikers here too. We’re pretty close to the beginning (or end) of the Appalachian trail. We enjoy exploring sections of it.

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        1. janerunswild says:

          Have you heard of the 4k footer club? Based in NH though. Mount Katahdin is on my list (I assume that’s what mountain you’re nearby!), so great if you can hike around there! There are so many amazing trails in New England, we are lucky!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Rebecca Royy says:

            No I’m in Georgia…the other end! The trail starts (or ends) here at Blood Mountain. That is our next goal. But we may have to wait for some cooler temps. High 90s here through September

            Liked by 1 person

            1. janerunswild says:

              Oh wow, I got that wrong! Usually people end up north but I guess it could go both ways! 😄 Do you have a similar challenge down there for hiking x amount of peaks? Good luck and stay cool in those temps!

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Rebecca Royy says:

                Not sure on the similar challenge. I’ll have to look into it. Good idea.

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  4. bubblyrunner says:

    Beautiful pics–so happy you’re back! My favorite place to hike and that I’ve ever hiked is Glacier National Park in Montana. Absolutely breathtaking!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Ah I know we have talked about this before– I am dying to explore that national park! Hard to get to from Boston but hoping to make it work some day soon! :)


  5. Carence says:

    Welcome back Jane! I’m entering my 4th week of marathon training. It has been great! I ran a small 4th of July 5K yesterday. I’ll be running 2 half marathons next month before I run my full in October!


    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you Carence! Good luck with your training! I am looking forward to hearing how your next few months go!


  6. Jane! I’m so happy you’re back to blogging regularly! I’m a baby runner and find your blog so inspiring. I love the idea of hiking as part of race training. Unfortunately I too live in the south (Alabama) and it’s just too hot right now. It was already 80 degrees when I got up at 5:30! But my husband is an avid hiker so we’re making plans for the cooler temps this fall.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you so much for your kind note! Running in the heat is so tough! Check our this article for some helpful hints:
      Good luck! Also great that you guys are hikers! Where is your favorite place to hike in Alabama?


  7. Sarah says:

    Welcome back Jane! Beautiful pictures of NH mountains! I am looking forward to reading about your training for Wineglass! I just started my 5th week of training for my 1st marathon in Sept.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thanks so much! What marathon are you training for this fall? Good luck with the summer running!


      1. Sarah says:

        I am running the Greater Binghamton Dicks Marathon.. It’s new, only its 2nd year.

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        1. janerunswild says:

          Awesome! Actually that race might be right before the Boston 2017 signup– just saying :)


          1. Sarah says:

            Thank you, someday I’d love to get a BQd but the likelihood of me getting it on my first marathon is slim to none. At this point I’d be happy to finish under 4 hrs :)


  8. statomattic says:

    Hey, welcome back! This is a nice surprise and I look forward to reading your blog more frequently again.

    I have been derelict in my own blogging since Boston as well, but hope to pick it up more regularly again soon. I kind of think that running that race was such an emotional high that it was draining to even think about blogging for a while afterwards.

    As for my own running, I did a local 4-mile 4th of July race yesterday, and the Chicago Ragnar Relay last month. I’m currently training for the Fox Valley Marathon, which is nice and local for me (I frequently run on the trail that makes up much of the course) in September, after I won a free entry to that race!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Hey you, thanks so much! I completely agree with you re- Boston! Are you thinking of running in 2017? And good luck in your trail marathon! I’m running my first in a couple of weeks, we will see how it goes. Looking forward to hearing how your training goes, good luck!!


  9. mygfboston says:

    This is awesome! We did Mt. Garfield a few years ago and loved it. My boyfriend actually just did his last few 4000 footers this weekend–so proud of him :) Next goal is to section hike the Appalachian Trail, which we did a gorgeous section of this spring in the Smokies.

    I’m training for Chicago, which should be awesome–good luck with your training journey!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      That’s so awesome that your guy completed the 4K footers! What was his last hike? Hiking other sections of the AT would be so fun! I hope to do it one day too. And good luck in your Chicago training– you will LOVE that marathon! It’s a huge weekend in that city, so be sure to soak it all in! 😄


      1. mygfboston says:

        He actually did a full Pemi loop, so you may have seen him on Mt. Garfield! Yeah it was super cool to get out of New England and try something different–the trails down there are SO much smoother than they are in the Whites. Thank you so much–I can’t wait for Chicago!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. janerunswild says:

          I have friends that hiked the entire Pemi loop in a day– it sounded insane! Sounds fun though. And yes you must be excited- Chicago is a great destination race too, so many fun things to do in that city (if you can walk post-race :))


  10. Absolutely beautiful photos!! Looks similar to our Pisgah Forest we hike. :-) It’s funny you took a blogging break post race because I did the very same thing. And now that I’m signed up for the SPINX marathon in October I’m back to training and blogging. Something about training that gets me back in the writing groove. I ran a terrible 10k for the 4th but enjoyed family and cupcakes the rest of the day!! ;-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you! I hadn’t heard about the SPINX marathon, but it looks like a great race! Hopefully the weather will be nice in late October. Any 4th of July race I have run has been difficult given the heat, so don’t worry too much! Hope you had a great birthday and that your training goes well in these warm months!

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  11. ysturman says:

    Nice blog! I’d love mine to look like this eventually. I’m better at running then I am at blogging at this stage!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Kerry says:

    I love the contest idea!! Hiking in New England is so wonderful. I climbed Katahdin last summer with my husband and we loved it. We live in Kansas, so it’s not often that we make it out there. This weekend we went rock climbing and hiking out in Arkansas. It was tons of fun! I love it out there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      That’s awesome!! Rock climbing is so fun- I don’t do enough of it! So great you hiked Katahdin, looking forward to doing that some day. Thanks for your note! 😄


  13. Hello, again… Hello.
    Look forward to the write up on the marathons plan. Hope u r well.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. revgeary says:

    Great to meet you, and thanks for the like. I’m planning to hike the White Mountains with my 10-year-old in early August, and am open to suggestions. My son and I are currently working on hiking parts of the AT is all 14 states it passes through, as well as at least 100 miles this year. Next stop: NH and ME.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Wow, that’s amazing!! Good luck in your 100+ mile quest- sounds like such a great adventure! Looking forward to the updates!


  15. Ellie says:

    A lot of my friends are running Wineglass! It’s really close to where I live so I will certainly be following you on your journey. I worked most of 4th of July weekend and enjoyed the weather. Glad to read your new posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      That’s awesome!! You live in a beautiful place! Ever think about running it? Glad you enjoyed the weather- it was so nice!


      1. Ellie says:

        Whenever I think about it, the race has already closed. =P

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        1. janerunswild says:

          Ah, I noticed that recently!! I definitely would love some restaurant and activity recs though, I’ll message you when it gets closer to the race!

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          1. Ellie says:

            please do!


  16. Not much of a hiker here. I would like to but not sure where to go or start.

    I am training for the Chicago Marathon in October!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      I would recommend starting by searching online for some local trails and then trying those out. They most likely will give you a little flavor for being out in the woods without the added grade change, etc. Before you spend any money at outdoorsy stores for equipment, explore these accessible paths and parks! And you will LOVE Chicago!! A lot of bloggers are running that race. Let me know if you have any questions- I ran it a few years ago. It is such a great race!!


  17. Nice to have you back. In training for the Wineglass as well, my second year running the Marathon. Last year I survived, this year I want to thrive. Good luck in your training. I look forward to following along.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Hey, that’s so exciting! How is the training going so far? I am really looking forward to running Wineglass, have heard a lot of great things (doesn’t hurt that the course is very flat! :)) Keep me posted on training and good luck!


  18. Happy to see that you’re back! Your trip to NH looks so beautiful – makes me a little homesick! Best of of luck in your Wineglass training!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I love hiking the Grand Canyon but I also love seeing pics of trails in your area! I’d love to hike some green east coast trails someday :)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      The Grand Canyon is amazing to hike. As it’s the reverse of mountain hiking, where hiking back up is the challenge- it’s such a beautiful place to explore! Have you hiked in Utah? There are some amazing national parks and canyons (Zion, for one) that I highly, highly recommend you checking out if you haven’t already! And yes, you’d love the east coast trails! :)


  20. Welcome back ! Sounds like you had a great weekend. :-)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      Thank you! Looking forward to hearing about some of your recent adventures!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Katrina says:

    Welcome back!!! I was so excited to see this post pop up in my feeder. It’s nice, and important, to take a breather every now and then. I’ve heard such great things about the Wineglass Marathon and had it on my sites for this fall, but am opting for Baystate to cut out needing to travel. Maybe one day when my girls are a little older!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. janerunswild says:

      You will love Baystate! It’s a top Boston feeder as well. Good luck with your training despite this heat we’ve been having! Love summer weather, but it makes running difficult at times! :) Looking forward to hearing more about the race.


      1. Katrina says:

        Yessss, summer weather is so much harder for me to run in! Hopefully we can fit in our long runs in between thunderstorms this weekend :)


  22. Josh dV says:

    Welcome back! We missed you!

    I’m excited to keep up on your training and perhaps glean a few tips for myself!

    Looks like a happy Fourth!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Top Photos..! Such awesome relaxing view. Be inspired everyday life is beautiful. c”,)

    Liked by 1 person

  24. jami2315 says:

    gorgeous pics! I just love them! living in the midwest all I’ve got here are cornfields!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Hi Jane, loving your blog so much! Just wanted to answer your Q’s.

    Where is your favorite place to hike? We have moved to the Cotswolds in the UK – from Surrey (which is south of London) and there are so many beautiful places to walk, I can’t wait to start properly hiking! I think its so important for runners to enjoying hiking and walking and taking a chance to enjoy their environment. Sometimes I run with my eyes firmly set in front of me without taking in the surroundings.

    What was the highlight of your 4th of July? Being British I wouldn’t celebrate it but I did hear some very good news on Monday that a friend is expecting her first baby!

    Anyone currently training for a race? I have the Bath two tunnels race this Sunday, its 10k and running through old dark tunnels, very eerie, but thoroughly enjoyable. Just hoping my back repairs in time! x

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Just finished the race that started my blogging addiction:

    Allen Stone

    Shifting gears to the Mud Run August 6th.
    4th of July was a tempo run for me:

    5-5 FS-PP-MET/6x600m Run

    Love the scenic pics and the blog! Looking at shifting my format to capture a few days training at a time…so much less time consuming than he daily obsession approach!


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